Rain, animals and the nifty fifty


Last weekend, I visited my family and pets for a few days. The drive had been slow due to torrential downpours and roadworks. Mum had nearly bought another load of water, so the few days of rain replenishing the tank were quite welcome. Since my adventurous mum was off to Singapore then India the following week and working right up till (not to mention during) then, much of my time went into a frenzy of chores, rushed outings and my sister’s birthday. Of course, I spent all other time with my pets and camera! In an attempt to become more camera-competent, I have been shooting strictly with manual settings, and also decided to put on my ‘nifty fifty’ lens (which had not seen much use). What have I been missing out on?! I really enjoyed the lens, though I found the manual focus a bit tenuous, especially with moving targets like my pets. Here are a few pictures, please let me know what you think I could improve (and how!).

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